What Are You Broadcasting?

We’re Always Broadcasting And Receiving Information

We don’t often think about communication on an energetic level, but the truth is that our words, intentions, thoughts, and emotions carry a frequency (or vibration) that telegraphs far more than you may be aware of.

When we’re not tuned in, this communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness––sending and receiving messages between us on an electromagnetic (or “energetic”) level that’s subtle and yet highly influential.

This means that you’re always sending messages to others—messages that you may not even be aware of—that influence how they feel, think and behave, and vice versa. This also means that when you are consciously aware, you can pick up on deeper levels of communication to better understand how you are impacting and influencing others.   

These energy fields that surround our bodies are highly active and perceptive. They are generated by the rhythmic electromagnetic fields of energy that our brain and the heart constantly send out––telegraphing what we’re thinking and feeling.

You might think that the brain would be more powerful in sending out energetic signals, but the heart’s field is actually much larger and more powerful—it’s about 100 times stronger. In fact, the heart’s field can be detected several feet outside the body in all directions with sensitive magnetometers. This magnetic field is why we’re able to “feel” other people’s emotions.  

Our Emotions Shift Our Energy Fields

When you’re feeling healthy, happy, and confident you broadcast positive thoughts and emotions like appreciation, compassion, acceptance, empathy, and joy. You’re in a creative mode, sending out energy that carries a high vibration and frequency that uplifts people.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is survival mode: when we’re feeling tired, under pressure, and overwhelmed. This is when our stress hormones kick in and create thoughts and emotions around fear, frustration, competition, insecurity, anxiety, and shame. These emotions carry a very low energy, frequency, and vibration that pull everyone else down.

The good news is that when you change your mood you change your stress response. And that begins to change everything.

Raise Your Vibration

We have the ability to deliberately generate positive emotions to shift our moods, thoughts, and energy. Once we begin to generate heartfelt emotions, the magnetic field generated by the heart expands its vibration and connects us to the quantum field. Our vibration now carries the frequency of our positive emotions and this energy becomes the signature of our energetic communication.

Our profound interconnectedness gives us even more opportunities to transform how we communicate. We can now use this ability to genuinely connect and build healthy working relationships through pure intentions, positive emotions, and genuine listening. And when you’re operating on this level, you’ll be at your best more often than not.

Here are five ideas to help you raise your vibe:

·       Take a 15-minute walk in nature

·       Soak up some sunshine

·       Watch a YouTube clip that makes you laugh

·       Invest 20 minutes decluttering a space you spend a lot of time in

·       Write down five things that are going well for you and really appreciate it

These ideas are easy to activate, so pick one and get started today. Then, build a list of ideas you can draw upon every day to uplift your energy. Pay attention and you’ll see how much easier it is to communicate when you’re radiating a higher emotional and vibrational state of being. 

I’m so glad you’re here and working to raise your level of communication. I hope you’re feeling the benefits of the investment you’re making in yourself and celebrating your progress. It’s a journey!




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Clear The Air