3 Ways to Build Better Relationships!

We all want to lead successful lives, filled with happiness, health, and meaning. But what many of us fail to realize is that true success doesn’t come from what we do or what we have. It’s a natural outcome of who we are and how we treat people. It’s about the quality of our relationships and our ability to cultivate trust and get along well with others. 

Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, we often let our stress take control of how we behave and end up saying things we regret. We become thoughtless and accepting of distractions and interruptions that telegraph our indifference to the needs of others. We take our most important relationships for granted and forget to nurture the connection. We’re all guilty of it, including me.

The question is why?

If our relationships are ultimately what brings happiness and meaning into our lives, why do we let stress spill over into how we speak to someone? Why do we compromise how we treat people? Why do put off making time for the people we care about?

We can do better! And it’s actually pretty simple.

3 ways to begin building better relationships today!

  1. Connect with your friends. Make it a point to spend time with the people that energize you. Take a minute and think of someone you enjoy and would like to see more. Now, reach out to them and find a time to connect. (Like, now!) Nurturing our relationships helps us live longer and happier lives. It’s been proven. Plus, it feels good!

  2. Be present and genuinely listen. Put your phone away and give people your full attention. We need to stop allowing the interruptions that signal we are indifferent to what others saying or how they feel. Did you know that just the mere presence of your phone reduces your awareness and understanding of what someone is saying by 20%? The upside is you’ll find you experience deeper connections and far less miscommunication.

  3. Mange your stress. Sometimes we forget that we have the power to reduce our stress and change how we think and feel. Even small doses of positive emotions will lift your spirit and renew your energy. Here’s a simple daily practice to help you boost your mood. Make a list of the activities that make you feel good. Maybe it’s playing your favorite song, going for a walk, working in your garden, or something else that shifts your mood. Pick one to activate today and then put this practice on repeat. These small infusions of positive energy add up!


Let’s commit to building better relationships. Let’s become more intentional about how we communicate and take steps to create a positive impact in every interaction. Let’s become the person that others look forward to seeing.

Remember, the quality of your relationships is the foundation upon which your happiness, health, and success are built. And this journey called life is all the more fulfilling when you walk it with those you care about.




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