Make A Connection

It turns out that life-enhancing technologies are anything but. Studies show we check our phones roughly 80x/day and give them five hours of our attention. And as much as we love our phones they are not loving us back.

In fact, our connection addiction is actually detrimental to our health and well-being. It increases stress and anxiety. It fragments our attention. It depletes our energy. And it makes us less adept IRL. There’s not a winner in the bunch.

We are wired human connection and we need more of it. Healthy relationships help to create empathy and understanding. They also have the potential to open our hearts and minds to new perspectives. And they fill us with joy!

Relationships need to be nurtured. Make it a point to create a positive connection with someone you enjoy today. It doesn’t take long.

  • Call a friend and catch up

  • Go for a walk and turn off your phone when you’re together

  • Plan at least one human connection a week and pay attention to how much better you feel!

I’m pretty sure you can take it from here.





Spiral Up